Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

I don’t really pay attention to the news, I think everything is fake, I am one of those….

Someone told me that I am a contrarian, like I just go against the grain by nature, maybe because I think I’m cooler than the masses, or maybe because the masses are fucking retards and if they’re into it, I know to run the fuck away….but I don’t like to think I default to go against the grain, but rather go against it because it makes no sense..

Either way, I don’t know shit about this war in Russia, but I know that I don’t trust celebs or the media….

So if they are pushing some “blue squares” for the Ukraine…or posting other political shit along with their smut….especially if they are a Jenner, Hadid, or Joy Behar…..

If they are pushing back against “Putin” who gives off pretty strong masculine energy and who apparently has strong Christian values, he takes Jesus very seriously….he is not a communist, he is a Christian….and that’s a good thing.

And if I’ve already decided that they are all satanists…who are bought….

Then organically, I am going to be suspicious…

I am not saying this isn’t a full conspiracy….I am not saying this is not a real war….Because I don’t know anything about that…

But I do know if they are telling us one thing, after my experience with the news and celebs, especially the last two years, I know it’s the wrong thing….

I mean Kendall Jenner posted all this “stand with Ukraine” bullshit, and if I know nothing about Ukraine, she knows less than I do, so some motherfucker’s telling her to post it, and we’ll assume that motherfucker is on the side of SATAN….

Trust your GUT….and hope there’s not Nuclear attack that flattens our existence to usher in the Reset they want…because you have to collapse the old to bring in the new….

But if there is a Nuclear attack, hope it hits the place where all these evil snakes reside….

The good news is…COVID IS OVER….for now…so thank PUTIN for that….and hope that he’s fighting off the NAZIs…like he says he is…

Here are some stepLINKS…

Rachel Bush in Tiger Print..


Katherinee McNamara Looking Good…


Tinashe Performs


Tom Brady could be waiting to see what Aaron Rodgers decides before making up his mind


Experienced Dog Mother Disciplines Her 8-Week-Old-Pups To Remain Calm!


Dog with Crazy Eyes


Flying Fails…


Cam Sluts are the Best….


Morning Hangover Dump of the Day February 25th, 2022