On/Off Flasher Fridays of the Day

Here we have the most important post of the week because it is the one that hits closest to home…

You probably know that I don’t care about celebs or pop culture and have no real interests beyond my own creepy perversions, which involve voyeurism….hence my appreciation and commitment to the internet…where girls share the most insane shit they’d never share in civilized society….the internet made us all the degenerates we always wanted to be….

Even the way we communicate is not like civilized society, it’s more talking to a screen lazily, which might as well be talking to yourself….but you assume it’s another human..

Anyway, the point is, every single woman I see in public, since as long as I can remember, has been a woman I’d want to see naked…

The On/Off speaks to that and it should be made mandatory in the NEW WORLD ORDER GREAT reset because LOOK how exciting it is….so much MYSTERY of clothed…being SOLVED with NUDES….SHERLOCK HOLMES.

On/Off Flasher Fridays of the Day February 25th, 2022