Interesting Take on International Women’s Day of the Day

I saw this video going around and thought she had a great point, there is nothing more fulfilling or important to a society than traditional family values…..100 percent…and all these young whores have been fed lies…despite being compensated pretty well for it…

I get called a misogynist all the time, even though I think I celebrate women and encourage them to not be bottom feeding fucks that the media and celebrity industry is telling them to be….

I like to think I worship women and think they are the centers of our society…we live in a MATRIARCHY…but thanks to marketing and evil…they don’t realize it.

I wouldn’t call myself a male feminist, those guys are some of the creepiest fucks, but I am 100 percent on board that women are capable of anything they put their minds to and I don’t discount women to just being a set of tits, although I am a big fan of the tits…

I think the biggest scam ever pushed on women is the feminist agenda, the get out of the home, destroy the family and thus destroy society…all so they can have jobs that don’t appreciate them, or kids that fail them, or don’t have kids at all because they are busy having empty sex with strangers for the thrill…THANKS sex and the city…it’s the Sex and the City syndrome…turn women into gay men….great idea!

Yes, I call out celebs and sluts for being the bottom feeders, pushing the agenda, but that doesn’t make me a misogynist..but like everyone being a racist, anyone who speaks out against what they are doing MUST be a woman hater….obviously..because you can’t say “DO BETTER”…

Interesting Take on International Women’s Day of the Day March 11th, 2022