Milf Monday of the Day

Funny enough, I watched the first 30 minutes or so of the Critic’s Choice awards and as it turns out Stifler’s mom won a Critic’s choice award thanks to WHITE LOTUS, where she plays the rich and crazy lady with the monster tits, because she was given a second chance at this acting thing and was able to be more than Stifler’s mom, but I will say her legacy as Stifler’s mom is an important one, at least to the 40+ year olds who watched American Pie as the revolutionary comedy it was at the time, because it brought the concept of MILF to full fucking light, no one was calling them MILFs before that movie….we called them YUMMY MUMMIES….since hot moms with kids existed forever…and it was always important to acknowledge they were moms as a buffer if they weren’t all that hot…you know “Hot for a mom”….but also as a way to say “Hot despite being a mom”….they are two different things and both come with better sex, because even the hot moms think their baggage is enough to make them less hot, and rarely is there a mom 100 percent confident in her pussy, sure a lot don’t care, but a lot also think “will I grip this micro dick hard enough after passing a child”….since they fuck micro dicks thanks to those feelings of carrying baggage around…

The point is…MILFS can be hot, but they can definitely be slutty…and here are some MILFS speaking to the mommy issues out there who are turned on by the fact that they are misbehaving despite having kids..”WHY YOU NAKED, DON’T YOU HAVE HOMEWORK TO DO, SOCCER PRACTICE TO DRIVE TO”….which I guess is a big part of the allure of the MILF….being bad when they should be good…I don’t fucking know….all vagina is worth fucking, even when it’s not!

Milf Monday of the Day March 14th, 2022