Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

I am an anti-masker, anti-vaxxer, covid denier, and DISINFORMATION spreader….who is probably on a few lists, none of them good….because I’ve been calling this shit out for the last 2 years…since it made no fucking sense to me…

In the last 2 years, I’ve been pretty good about not getting into any confrontations with idiot maskers, idiot vaccine pushers, you know people who clearly don’t know how to use the internet or read actual studies on experimental shit they are putting into their bodies, treating things like masks, that are actually BAD for you, as some symbol of hope….or symbol of divisiveness, I don’t know…

They are apparently ending the masks here in a few weeks, so I figured go to the grocery store maskless, smile at people and see if I can get them to follow-the fucking leader, where I am the leader….

That good intentioned plan ended with being surrounded by 4-5 grocery store workers refusing to scan my food, because I don’t use self checkout, I am not a slave, they are….

I told her masks don’t work, to read the science, she told me they don’t care about the science, and I said “obviously”….

I told her that I don’t tell her what to wear and I feel objectified because she’s telling me what to wear…and she said “I wear a uniforM”….because she’s a fucking fascist….obviously…

So after a little back and forth, I figured put it on to pay, whatever, but take it off to smile at the manager while I leave the store, because I’m not here to fight these angry and miserable monsters, I was just there to smile at them….

So I smile at her and wish her a great weekend and she yells across the store “You shouldn’t ever take off the mask, it makes you look better, you ugly fuck”…

So a grocery store manager, possibly one of the lowest wrung people in the service industry, called me an “ugly fuck”….before banning me from the store and I thought to myself, “when did life become a twitter flame war”…in my era of working retail, you couldn’t call a CUSTOMER ugly, or swear at them…people were decent to each other, even if the customer was totally out of line…

But thanks to COVID, everyone has a fucking PASS to be EVIL towards the COVID deniers and the COVID deniers can’t do shit about it because they are the “ignorant hicks” who don’t trust the science….therefore we should be taken out back and shot…even now that COVID is over….

Here are some stepLINKK in the morning…

Elle Fanning Glams Up the Public Bathroom


Paige VanZant Gets Wet with a Friend


IG Model Sara Cheek Massive Tits


World’s Hottest Grandma


Emotional Moments in Sports


Hacker Fills Scammer’s Refund Scam


Funny Slap Prank!


Woman Ellen Creeped On Being Slutty on the Bike


Celebrity Boxer Caitlyn Jenner…


Two Models Slutty in Bed


Cam Sluts are the Cam Sluts…


Morning Hangover Dump of the Day March 14th, 2022