I guess it is safe to say that THINGS TO WEAR TO THE BEACH, the replacement for “THE RATIO” now that all these bitches don’t promote their ratio, it’s probably seen as some white privilege, or white savior complex, or some micro-agressions, or whatever the latest WOKE key word is….WE CAN’T ACKNOWLEDGE THAT WE HAVE A WAIST TO HIP RATIO because that would be discriminatory to the boxy and bloated bitches who don’t…
SO I’m forced to resort back to the most basic of internet content, the reason social media exists, because people like to stare at their girls in bikinis, especially people we know, you know jerking off to friends not strangers was a revelation to the internet life and now every motherfucker posts bikini pics all day, so here are some swimsuit pics, of random who the fuck knows who any of these people are, but I am sure they are really stoked on being included on a site called DRUNKENSTEPFATHER….probably top of their RESUME….
Along with freedom, we don’t have bathing suits in Canada, so I appreciate staring at them.