Amy Schumer Topless Dance of the Day

Monster Rich Kid turned Top Comedian despite being funny, Amy Schumer, a Ukrainian who I assume is pushing the agenda but I won’t look

was given a career because they needed an obese cabbage patch looking monster to bring shitty jokes to the world…to either normalize obesity, or to downgrade comedy to an unfunny place, because since Amy Schumer has made her millions thanks to the HIVE MIND not knowing what funny is unless they are told by the media or laugh tracks….they can basically throw anyone at the top of the comedy charts….like Pete Davidson, the mind controlled slave who was clearly placed where he was placed by the powers that be, because there’s no reason he’s trending, at least not based on any jokes he’s made…it’s all marketing people..

Anyway, the fucking vile pile of dog shit Amy Schumer has decided now that she’s had tons of plastic surgery that didn’t work, doing some sort of “dance your ass off” since all that surgery hasn’t brought her any ass…..still fat, still vile, and unfortunately ramping up for something I’m sure they have planned for her because all of a sudden she’s out here trying to make noise and get noticed again, forgetting we have enough fat funny chicks in our lives, they’re everywhere….and we don’t need this tramp stamp branded pig with no shame..because everyone sucks her dick…..

Either way, WEIGHT WATCHERS WEDNESDAYS, so here’s a bitch pushing some Weight….disgusting.


Amy Schumer Topless Dance of the Day March 16th, 2022