Feminist Friday of the Day

I am sure these bitches aren’t actually feminists, I guess it depends on how you posture producing erotica for the internet to game 10 dollars a month out of losers who think paying for content is awesome PAY WALLS for everyone….forgetting the internet was built off FREE content…and should have stuck with free content because who wants to pay for anything….idiots.

I am sure these bitches identify as feminists, because it’s a way to intellectualize making money off the internet with low key sex work, instead of having a real job…

I guess it’s just a matter of perspective…is the whore a whore, or is the whore a genius for getting paid to fuck dudes instead of working a real job, since fucking is fun.

I don’t have the answers, but I know that these ladies are just braless and never claimed to be feminist bra burners, I put that spin on it because it’s Frida and I like alliterations….FEMINIST FRIDAY….FUCK A BRA FRIDAY could be better….since braless life is the only life these girls partake in these days…it’s a trend, brans are constrictive and uncomfortable apparently, I wouldn’t know even though I need a bra, I just know I’ve been faced with one too many bras in my life that were impossible to take off…some FORT KNOX for the titties…or maybe ALCATRAZ….and a life without bras for a lazy fucking generation is a good thing.

Keep up the good things…THINGS.

Feminist Friday of the Day March 18th, 2022