Jordyn Jones Lesbian Erotica of the Day

I guess this is a generational thing…

You have “celebrity”, following, some level of success because your white trash mom knew you were a cute enough kid to sell to the corrupt people of Hollywood who are into that kind of thing…

So, you’ve got a young girl who has all kinds of followers, could be running any business, pushing brands, launching brands, working as a back-up dancer, or pop star….

I’m not trying to say this ceiling eyed, possible product of incest with fetal alcohol poisoning is more impressive than she is..

I’m just saying that instead of doing any of that, she’s doing low level porn before the porn shoots….just her and her friend in their lingerie showing ass for money..

It seems so simplistic, but I guess that’s the point, give em what they want, instead of making them lust after you waiting until the day she strips down happens.

What I will say is that dancers, by definition, can fuck your dick off, and this one’s got an ass, and a friend who could come in handy when she fucks your dick off, so I guess this is her ACTUAL calling…and it’s not even a “Bad” thing…because this generation expects this shit….so old timer boomers like us get to partake from the comfort of our homes…thanks to the internet being a vast vast place and none of these people being SCARED of it like they should be…I mean it’s still the fucking internet people…where WEIRDNESS exists, festers and destroys souls….by maybe I’m just being too dramatic..


Jordyn Jones Lesbian Erotica of the Day March 22nd, 2022