Things to Wear to the Beach Tuesday of the Day

Things to wear to the beach is our weekly round-up of random girls showing off their bikinis because they understand the social media algorithm enough to realize that people only notice them when they are half naked and in bikini, so they best be finding a pool or tropical destination where they can bang out as many bikini pics, so that they get the following that will allow them to bang out rich dudes who will pay their rent…

The bathing suit pic is probably the only reason social media worked, I get the whole narcissism thing, the people loving to brag and hear themselves speak, or post….but without the swim pics from vacations, I just don’t see how it’d ever work….which is why we’ve got all these swimsluts, some of whom probably don’t even know how to swim, because social media is a fucking lie, and so long as you’re in the swim equipment, you’re good….

As a Canadian, in winter half the year, I can say with confidence, that even with all these bathing suits out on the internet, even with doing 60,000 posts on this site over 18 years….I HAVE not seen enough bathing suit pics…so bring it….and they do.

Things to Wear to the Beach Tuesday of the Day March 22nd, 2022