Kara Del Toro Titty From The Back of the Day

Kara Del Toro, who is one of the hardest working titty models of instagram, becasue she’s got big titties…therefore she’s a titty model and I guess “hardest working” is a relative term since this is hardly work and since I’m sure there are a lot of girls out there with big tits and instagram followers doing things far more soul sucking for their dream of being top level instagram titty models…you know, like sucking old dude dick…which is arguably working harder than this married bitch in her boring but smutty content.

I’m not hating, I mean I started this off saying she was one of the hardest working titty models, like she’s got something to prove level of instagram titty modeling, you know maybe an ex or kids who teased her in high school, deep rooted motivators for her getting those tits out there…..

I was saying she was hard working, obviously barely working is hard working for these people, and in barely working, which is hard working for these people, she’s been attending any event she can, really trying to take those wide womanly hips as far as they will take her.

What is disappointing is that she hasn’t figured out the camera is OVER HERE, not at the wall, you big titty tease…

“I’ll do a topless pic, because people only follow me for my tits, but I won’t bother showing tit, that’d be slutty”….when she’s already slutty…figure it out homie..


Kara Del Toro Titty From The Back of the Day March 24th, 2022