People Don’t Understand Parody Anymore of the Day

As a lifelong troll, I fucking love watching all trolls from all sides of the spectrum because I don’t believe in taking sides ever, sides are for weak people who don’t believe in the spirit of INDIVIDUALITY.

But I will say that despite the success of prank videos, which by default probably require people to be trolls on a level, you know to not give away the prank….people have been coded through the AI to a level of Autism spectrum that doesn’t allow them to question what they see.

Meaning, they watch something, take it at face value, go back to taking selfies and don’t understand that it’s a fucking joke.

When I saw this Comedian / Youtuber’s video, I knew what he was doing, thought he went too crazy with it, to make it SO obvious what he was doing, because I prefer subtle trolls, but he still pulled off the troll.

I’ve seen people on both sides, because not everyone believes in the spirit of individuality, they think there are GOOD GUYS and BAD GUYS, because they aren’t living life, but rather passively watching it and they know from all their favorite movies, that life is good guys and bad guys, they are usually just confused as to who the good are and who the bad are….because a lot of the bad are marketed as good, and they sexualize them as they do.

So yeah, people think this is a legit WOKE idiot who has gone too far with the woek shit, even for the wokest woke….but then there are woke people posting him like a hero….and if they knew he was trolling, they would have cut the mic, but didn’t just in case.

The point is, sarcasm, parody, satire, trolls, pranks and jokes are OK….they are real and they happen. It is nothing to be scared of so stop being so fucking uptight, this troll, clearly masterfully executed in a world of autistc freaks too self absorbed and angry to laugh….

The comedian behind this over the top insanity is CASSADY CAMPBELL …embrace the troll….and don’t believe anything you see on the internet, it’s just the fucking internet…

Use their tools, their ideologies for GOOD not EVIL, or at least to expose how ridiculous they all are!

People Don’t Understand Parody Anymore of the Day March 24th, 2022