Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

There’s just so much going on, I blame LONG COVID, because who the fuck knows the long term effects of that shit and I figure it’s a solid excuse to get out of everything, you should try it during TAX SEASON…some TAXATION IS THEFT, but can they tax you if you’re suffering from long COVID…probably…because criminals don’t care about your health and wellness…

I was talking to my friend steve about how these rich people are telling us to eat 30 percent less meat, to drive less, to get electric cars, to get rid of our pets, you know for Ukraine…or the Climate…meanwhile 80 percent of polution comes from the companies they own….and they’re telling us that from their mansions and private jets they bought from STEALING from you….

So it comes to a certain point where you have to wake up, see what’s going on, realize that it DOES impact your life, and make some fucking changes.

I don’t know what those changes are, but I would start with hiding in the fucking woods off grid like a hermit fuck, gything is because this technolpart of the fucking problem and it is going to get worst…

For the longest time, I thought this site was the worst thing on the internet, pretty narcissistic, right…but as it turns out…THE INTERNET, by trusted ally, is the worst thing about the internet…

GO ANALOG…or just ANAL…so long as you’re on top….it’s less gay, but I guess thanks to the internet, we’re in a culture that wants to be GAYER, that just can’t be GAY enough.

Here are some morning links…

Hot Polish Model in Miami being Hot


Jojo is Near Nude on a Shoot


Blonde Bomber in Lingerie for the Weigh In


Guinness Record for Being Able to Eat Her Own Asshole


This Girl was Born with Heart Outside her Chest and It’s Scary


Drag Race Between Harley and Some Other Bike




Cam Girls are the Hot Girls…


Morning Hangover Dump of the Day March 25th, 2022