Medical Worker Monday of the Day

According to the local politicians, we’re going into the 6th wave of COVID, which means they’ve been either spraying us with virus from strategic chem trails, or maybe it’s shedding from all the vaccinated people on the unvaccinated they are trying to kill off for being dissenters, you know, bioweapons…maybe it’s the 5G radiation or maybe it’s just the natural course of a virus they can’t really detect in their PCR tests because it confuses colds and flus for COVID…..which is a solid reminder that people should stop caring if their sniffles are covid or not, treat it like a flu and die if that’s what is in the cards for you, but instead it becomes mandates, vaccine programs, lockdowns, and abuse of power…MAKE IT STOP…..but they won’t..more shots are on their way and I can assure you they won’t be nice to the unvaccinated since they are all mind controlled demonic evil angry monsters…

So let’s hope for all of our sake, that this shit doesn’t stick, that they can never pull off the ABUSE they’ve done to us over the last two years, and that we can go back to fetishizing nurses, vaccinated or not, as the heroes or the caring maternal instinct we never had in our lives, showing asshole for some supplemental income because the health industry underpays them as the pharma companies make TRILLIONS….THE SYSTEM IS RIGGED!

ALl this to say, nurses who sex work or practice the art of exhibitionism are hot…because they are slutty in their professional careers, fun..

Medical Worker Monday of the Day March 28th, 2022