Katy Perry on War of the Day

I wonder why Katy Perry hates Putin but loves Ukraine, you’d think that in all her time making and performing shitty satanic music for her handlers, there’d be little time to think about politics, or historical information about two countries outside of America…..MOST Americans don’t even know American History, so it’s interesting to see them being so confident in their positions on WWIII, like they have a vested interest in the shit, or like they are told what to say since they are puppets..

I don’t fancy myself a smart person, but I feel like I know more about world history than Katy Perry, and I don’t even have a position on the Ukraine / Russia shit, because I am more interested in making my immediate surroundings BETTER…too much poverty, too much shitty infrastructure locally, to understand why sending TAX money to other countries makes sense, even when it enriches the people involved….that money should stay the fuck home and make us all richer…

ANYWAY….the clunky, awkward dancing, how the fuck did she even end up being a popstar, something I never understood and have asked the length of her career, made me do a deep dick on her background, the origin stories never match up…

Apparently, her mom’s brother was a director named FRANK PERRY JR, their mom was a lady named Pauline E. Schwab….google the Schwab name, seems like Charles M Schwab may have been their great uncle…so her mom’s uncle…or the mom’s great uncle….it was her mom’s mom’s uncle…I think….

I don’t know you’d have to google it to see if the timelines make sense but he was one of the richest industrialists in the late 1800s. Interesting…if true….not that a great great great uncle would REALLY have that much impact on a person 3 generations younger, but YOU never know…. CHECK THE FAMILY TREE . WILD….it’s like these people are BORN into these things.

FRANK PERRY JR….UNCLE Frank’s second wife was the founding editor of NY MAG…but that’s getting a little more distant than Katy Perry….but she was big in New York media, and probably has questionable ancestors too….

Her dad, Maurice Keith Hudson, is some fake minister but at the very least, they’re rich as shit to begin with, hence her existence and pushing of the narrative they want pushed..

I also hated Katy Perry, so now you know why….

Good tits though..

Katy Perry on War of the Day March 30th, 2022