I guess now the old as shit Disney Kid isn’t really reinventing the wheel now that a huge part of her self promotion and marketing to be as relevant as possible, to earn as much as possible, has taken the same approach as Will Smith, and been “what are the influencers doing, how do we compete with them, oh shit, they just post bikini pics, well I have to workout for my job anyway, I have to have tits for my job anyway, this is a fucking joke, I remember when I had to get up at 3 am to be on set for 4 am, to act and sing for 15 hours, now I just show some tit, I’m already so good at that, have you seen my early nude selfie work, I was made for this shit, the whole acting thing only happened because we didn’t have influencers 15 years ago…BUT WE DO NOW and it’s not very complex”….
At least that’s what I’d think if I was Vanessa Hudgens, which I am not….despite popular believe…..
Seeing that tits get hits and that influencers aren’t at all that impressive, making it pretty easy to compete when you’re abig star…
In conclusion, TITS get Hits so if you have tits, post pics of them for the fans, it’s really all they care about.