Weed Wednesday of the Day

It’s WEED WEDNESDAY motherfuckers…

This is the day we celebrrate girls who take weed WAY too fucking seriously, but I guess it’s not legalized in all states or at a federal level, so it’s something to be an activist over….something far more fun that plastic straws, trans rights, INCLUSIVITY, now ALOPECIA Awareness by all the uptight people of the internet who are ruining the fun for the rest of us…

Weed is one of those tip of the iceberg conspiracies, like 9/11, where once you start digging, you understand that the psychopaths we let control our power grids, or infrastructure, our public health, our food supplies, have vested interest in keeping people medicated, not stoned, and more importantly, using chemicals instead of natural options, because they’ve got money to make and WEED is too easy to cultivate, even the average idiot can grow it, which gets in the way of self sufficiency…..HARD to opppress or control a poeple that are self sufficient…they want us being like little sugar babies asking daddy for our allowance because it gives them the power to say no…

Weed is the most MILD barely a drug, plus it gets girls naked….so here they are…

Winning for all.

Weed Wednesday of the Day March 30th, 2022