Workout Wednesday of the Day

The two most important stories in fitness in the past few weeks are:

1- Fitness helps fight against covid, the more fit you are, the less you’ll die of COVID, not to say fit people haven’t died of COVID, but they’re saying if you get healthy, your chances are better….shocking…fitness leads to a stronger immune system, a longer and healthier life, and you’ll look better to jerk off to…

2- Fitness is White Surpemacist, because the conspiracy theorists, trumpers and right like to be fit, and fitness leads to toxic masculinity and RACISM, all theat TESTOSTERONE they are trying to shame in a world of CUCKS.

That’s not to say I work out, but I would if I cared, and I totally think fit bitches are hotter than dumpy bitches, which is really what this is about.

Celebrate babes working out whoring out so you don’t have to…or whatever…

Workout Wednesday of the Day March 30th, 2022