Britney Spears Public Nudity of the Day

I saw some news that Britney Spears the now free to be naked on the internet popstar who is going through her version of puberty or going off to college like these are the college years for her even though she’s 40, thanks to being stunted for so fucking long in the name of MAKE US MORE MONEY PUPPET….and like all college girls she’s pulling her tits out wherever she goes…in this case at the beach.

The news was that she’s got a book deal to expose all the insanity has done to her, how they’ve wronger her, how her own family sold her off. I am sure it will not be edited so fucking hard by the people who I am sure still handle her and don’t want people knowing what really went on but want to let her think she’s free….there’s probably a suicide already written somewhere in the event that she decides to EPSTEIN herself.

I’d read it if I knew how to read because she’s been writing some crazy fucking captions on her social media posts about mind control shit that you read about in the conspiracy theories that are actual documented FACT…but we’ll call it conspiracy theory even though there have been lawsuits about this shit..but that’s now what we talk about here, we’re here for Britney who I can only assume is being very edited but being made to look like she’s free, until they need to get her totally off the rails to commit her again…so maybe they’ll let her post a few more crazy captions calling out their tactics, maybe let her post a few nudes before giving her the KANYE reprogramming seminar….or worse…but maybe I’m just being negative….hating on her being FREE enough to flash her tits, but only because she’s not FLASHING the whole fucking it…if you’re going to go for it, that whole “SO FREE MY BIKINI TOP COMES OFF”…then GO FOR IT…this just misses the mark, but it’s Britney Spears and she’s pretty fucking great…a legend really.


Britney Spears Public Nudity of the Day April 6th, 2022