Demi Lovato They Them Hot Tub of the Day

Them some titties in the hot tub…

They some crackhead/opiate addict tits surviving the brain damage from an overdose because NO ONE cancelled her for it….

They just blew it off as “mental health”….and “Poor Demi Lovato”…let’s get her back to baby sitting our kids with her shit music and celebrity, because it would be wrong to kick em while they are down, even though when they are down, they are still far higher up than the rest of us it’s ALWAYS kicking up.

There were no consequences for her behavior, if anything she just got to remind everyone how bi-polar she is, and then hop on some gender politics, knowing that being a THEY who wears a bikini top, possibly mocking the whole THEY thing, but no one can challenge her going by THEY because that would be TRANSPHOBIC…and profit off it…as she does….because she’s an industry puppet, built and designed by the good grooming people at Disney getting the most out of their investment thanks to owning hollywood….and basically all of the media.


Demi Lovato They Them Hot Tub of the Day April 11th, 2022