Elle and Dakota Fanning Drunk in Miami of the Day

I know what you’re thinking, that the Fanning sisters are only allowed to let loose at the Satanic Ritual parties they have in thee basements of the Hollywood Elite, so this MUST be some sort of fake propaganda because otherwise they’d never be allowed out of their cages, but as it turns out….they are allowed out of their cages sometimes, you know to stand on chairs and dance provocatively doing their best version of “normal 20 something at the club”….similar to how Jake Gyllenhaal behaved the night I got kicked out of bar for asking him if he killed Heath Ledger….what a pussy…..only because he had Disney Lawyers come after me..and we all know how we collectively feel about Disney…

It always amazes me what a center of attention type, who cries about the attention when it is inconvenient, leaves the house, only to stand on her chair and spread her legs like some low level stripper on a sedative lookin to sell lap dances….

Do they think we expect them to be the drunken sloppy girl no one likes to party with, because they are famous? Or are they just the drunken sloppy girl because of all the sadness in their soul for being famous?

I guess that’s something to ask their therapist handlers….in the meantime you can see them letting loose like they’re “normal”….maybe that turns you on….but the sloppy girl at the bar is always the fucking worst….just the one most likely to show you her cunt.

I guess now that Miami is the New LA, because Florida is better, LA is dog shit, we can expect a lot more ragers out of this one…


Elle and Dakota Fanning Drunk in Miami of the Day April 12th, 2022