Asshole Behind Thong Thursday of the Day

I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty amazed that Asshole Behind Thongs are still being uploaded to the internet….

You’d assume that everyone, in all their slutty, exhibitionist, sex positive, perverted and empty, trying to fill whatever void and monetize because making sex transactional is cool, even if it’s fucking depressing, because it takes the fun out of it…would just ditch the thong and go full asshole.

This was the subtle tease before the gaping asshole shoots, you know the intro scene to the porno but the sexting version….but like porn before it, at a certain point they drop the story, the mystery, the fantasy and go FULL throat fuck.

The point of the story is…..Thongs are pretty inefficient at covering assholes, which is a good thing to those of us into modesty, since that is modesty, in an era of BIG DILDO IN ASS on a tuesday by a normie who doesn’t want a day job…

Asshole Behind Thong Thursday of the Day April 14th, 2022