Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

There’s so much exciting news going on, from Johnny Depp’s psy-op designed to make him hireable for the next Pirates movie, so they’re sacrificing Amber Heard and positioning her as a woman who lies about being abused for attention. It happens, it may have happened to you. I know at least a dozen guys with psycho girlfriend’s or wives who have accused them of rape or abuse because it suited their psycho needs and you KNEW that there was no way dude did either of those things because he’s the biggest CUCK you now who would end up with a chick like that….

Then there’s the judge finally dropping the illegal mask mandates on flights, not that it really affects us here in Canada, because if you’re not vaccinated, you still aren’t allowed to travel, since the powers that be are fucking psychos…..just about as psycho as the blue haired obese genderless freaks that want to teach your kids about sex on TikTok and in schools….you know the ones that girl who runs LIBS OF TIKTOK, one of the best accounts exposing these nut jobs by JUST POSTING their own videos…..well the Washington Post reporter who cried about DOXXING people, DOXXED her, since the internet’s not allowed to be the internet, separate to REAL life, where people can do things for fun anonymously… it turns out, the account owner is an orthodox Jewish girl with reasonable Judo Christian Values…IMAGINE THAT….and they are posturing her as hate speech, because they are NUTS and have no sense of humor and can’t laugh at their damn self….

Anyway, the DOXXER is some freak named Taylor Lorenz who I’m sure is so proud of her “scoop” exposing a fucking hero, calling her a right ring conspiracy theorist who fuels all the right wing pundits with her reposting of TikToks….is this really fucking news? I’m sure she’s fucking proud of her “journalism”. Freak.

This is the lady, with clown filter, crying about DOXXING, while getting famous for DOXXING….these people are FUCKING nuts and have zero self awareness in their virtue signaling…

But back to the masks on planes, you know there’s a bunch of outrage on TWITTER about it, people so mad and not willing to travel, because posting their unfounded hypochondria is supposed to be the benchmark of normal….like catering to a triple vaccinated co-worker who won’t come to work because of COVID….at a certain point you’re fucking crazy and should be fired for being crazy….

In reality, when the airlines announced, happily that MASKS are optional….the actual people on the PLANES went nuts…..because stop forcing us to wear disgusting things that don’t work on our damn faces you monsters…..and EVERYONE agrees, except a small percentage of woke and miserable people that society has decided is the baseline we need to cater to even if they are mental….when society doesn’t feel that way or look that way at all….Twitter is not real life…but ELON’s probably trying to take over real life too….

If you want to wear one, wear one, but it shouldn’t be forced or give you license to scream at me for not wearing a mask because I’m not a pussy and figure my immune system’s gonna kill me regardless…

Too many people are brainless NPCs, it’s at the point of silly…

Some morning Links…

Genie Bouchard Turned Heads at Coachella


Hot Sienna Miller Takes Us Through Her Wardrobe!


Topless Model Under the Orange Light


Marshawn Lynch purchases stake in NHL side alongside rapper Macklemore


Jason Momoa with star in Minecraft movie


Using A Compass To Draw Many Sketches On One Sheet!


Why People Snore


The Price Is Right Show Awards The Biggest Winner In Daytime History!


Man Gets Out Of His Car To Give A Random Stranger His Umbrella!


Be Ready for 4/20 With Donkey Tees


Cam Sluts are the Best Sluts


Morning Hangover Dump of the Day April 19th, 2022