Tight Pant Tuesday of the Day

Tight pants are a thing. A pretty important thing apparently. I risked COVID and left the shit hole I call home yesterday and I saw 3 tight pants on asses of various levels of hot within about 2 seconds and I wasn’t the motherfucker in the tight pants although I am an obese person so all pants are tight on me, just not at the level of tight that these girls are wearing..

I saw two sets of leggings walking one dog, I saw one set of leggings walking up a flight of stairs into a building, I saw another set of leggings sitting on a bench tying her shoe, I saw two sets of leggings on a jog….when I got to the grocery store that banned me for not wearing a mask because I am that guy, you know the balls aren’t big but I’m not a fucking cuck, the balls being small are more a biological thing….not being a cuck is in my spirit…but at the grocery store I saw one legging rubbing the back of a guy, they must have been in love….another legging fresh from the gym and ready to get some healthy snacks…there was a fat cashier in leggings that would have been deemed inappropriate before the world decided telling a woman her outfit is inappropriate, YOU CAN’T CONTROL ME PATRIARCHY….those leggings were fat, like the kind that wear leggings because of the stretch…..

Anyway, lots of leggings, tight pants so tight, so important that we can reduce women down to their tight pants instead of their tits….OH HOW WE HAVE EVOLVED AS A PEOPLE.

Tight Pant Tuesday of the Day April 19th, 2022