Tiny Tits Tuesday of the Day

In an era where able bodied tits are being slaughtered to either become big tits for TikTok views or slaughtered to be genderless tits in what is the weirdest fucking thing I’ve seen happen to the human experience, not that there weren’t a handful of people with dysmorphia cutting off their genitals or tits in attempts to have a better life, something I don’t think many people had all that much of an issue with, because who the fuck cares what a motherfucker does to their own body….but now it’s a trend, the modern day tattoo, that can’t be reversed…putty your shitty GUNS and ROSES tattoo from the 90s Flea Market your friends still laugh at you about…to shame.

I’ve always been into small tits, I like big tits too, I just don’t think small tits are any less feminine than big tits, if anything they are for the most nicer on nicer bodies and framed better…more of the everyday titty, the more manageable titty, you can’t drive the HUMMER titty everyday, sometimes you need your SMART CAR.

Tiny Tits Tuesday of the Day April 19th, 2022