Sexy Dance of the Day

FAT LIVES MATTER…..but do they?

I haven’t been to a stripclub in probably 5 years, which is fucking insane if you think about, since I used to spend way too much time at stripclubs, but I guess eventually, I got bored of the whores who didn’t realize they were whores, but rather some feminists trying to GET what they deserve out of simple men they manipulate with their tits, not that I ever fell for any of that, but I guess I was bored of the same conversation with the same whore brain, placed in a different whore body…..people aren’t that impressive….especially when they walked around the club acting like they are Beyonce or some shit, when I’m sitting there thinking “this bitch thinks she’s way hotter and way more important than she actually is”….

Anyway, I am sure stripclubs stages an poles see a fuck of a lot fatter bitches than they used to when strippers had to be hot cuz fat chicks WOULD never dream of stripping…I wonder if they’ve had to structurally reinforce the stages and poles for hot acts like this.

That’s not to say this is a stripper, just a big girl doing a stripper dance, with underwear that you could use as a tent if you were stuck on Survivor with her….yes, I watch Survivor…and it’s SURVIVOR DAY….while I look at this shit just trying to survive…with some LUNCH TIME, LUNCH BOX, CARB LOADED PUSSY.


Sexy Dance of the Day April 21st, 2022