Milky Boobs Monday of the Day

Breast feeding empowerment is one of the dumbest “Woke” agendas that takes place on the internet.

Not because I don’t think women should be pulling out their tits anywhere they go because they crave male attention after de-sexualizing themselves with childbirth, you know a girl needs to feel desirable sometimes…and titty exhibitionism is the way to do it and if you want to do it without feeling like a slut…you gotta have a valid reason for it like FEEDING CHILD…

Breast feeding empowerment is one of the dumbest “Woke” agendas that takes place on the internet….because no one’s ever been mad, at least not a dude, at a chick for pulling her tit out in public, and if they are, it’s due to being closet case homos…

You know, feeding the child is a god given right, even to those who don’t believe in god, but instead reproduce for selfish, narcissistic reasons, or because they’ve had one too many abortions…and you can jerk off to it, through your sweatpants, in public, when it’s happening in front of you.


Milky Boobs Monday of the Day April 25th, 2022