Workout Wednesday of the Day

Stay fit motherfuckers!

I know that people are all back on the abortion kick because social media and the media are an echo chamber from hell to keep us all unhappy and in their trance…TURNING OFF THE INTERNET would do us all good, except maybe this site, since it needs the internet to exist, but no one would notice it was gone and I figure it’s a good sacrifice for the benefit of humanity as a whole, since I’m planning to stop updating eventually, it’s just a waste of time…but that’s another story.

This story is about health and wellness, my body my choice, trust the science, get an experimental shot with a donut….COVID propaganda that lead to COVID protocol that will probably make a fucking comeback in the fall, possibly in ways we don’t even understand….so more disgusting half dead looking fat people can scream at us about our health…

As a fat person, I don’t identify as those preachy fat people, but rather one who knows people should be fit in order to be healthy, fit in order to be hot, fit to have the best possible life, so if you do anything for your health and wellness…get fit..while I eat chips and cake from the sideline and watch…..

As a fat person, I believe you should feel shame in being fat, and that these fitness bitches are pornographic, especially in an era where there are so many fatties pretending to be hot, even though fitness means they’ll likely live longer, so not a great long term strategy if you’re favorite break-up is when the bitch your with dies off on you gifting you freedom and some of their assets….MOOCH RIGHT IF YOU ARE GOING TO MOOCH AT ALL.

All this to say, I like fit bitches.

Workout Wednesday of the Day May 4th, 2022