Britney Spears Naked 6 Times of the Day

Britney Spears is fucking weird and I don’t think she’s actually running her own social media feed, this is just a continuation of her being held captive by her handlers she thinks are her parents, or maybe she is in charge of her feed and is just a fucking nutjob…but her captions are fucking weird….

This one is “Photo dump of the last time I was in Mexico BEFORE there was a baby ?? inside me … why the heck do I look 10 years younger on vacation ??? ???”

Yeah, maybe because it is from 10 years ago, when you were allowed out of the fucking house……it looks like it was shot on a phone from 10 years ago.

But the weirder think about this is the “Baby inside me” shit she runs with, there’s another post a say that said “Fetus inside me”…it just seems like a fully fake storyline, or a fully fake feed, and it probably is….

Remember, her boyfriend fiance dude is a hired actor, literally an actor….so probably hired…and even if he’s just another K-Fed doing what’s best for him, it still seems like fake bullshit that doesn’t matter.

I will still stare at her naked, especially when she updated 6 of the same picture as her ‘Pic dump’…..and even if it makes me feel uneasy…who cares about me, it’s about Britney at 40 posting the weirdest nudes ever…and as we all know, broken chicks are the best chicks!.


Britney Spears Naked 6 Times of the Day May 9th, 2022