Kendall Jenner Cameltoe of the Day

I’ve heard a bunch of rumors that the satanic Kardashian family who you know are destroying, or have destroyed society with their trashy take on wealth and excess, shamelessness, doing anything for money….and all that other garbage….positioned Kendall Jenner as a girl at a young age, when she was really a boy…

Maybe it was strategic, maybe it was just part of the satanic agenda of inverting the truth and basically trolling all of us….

It’d be pretty unfortunate if that was true, only because she’s the hottest they have to offer and since they’ve become pop culture overlords that destroyed the sanctity of pop culture by making it all about their disgusting, gross, really UGLY fucking selves….tricking hot girls to jack up their face for the muppet porn star who was raped by her family as a child too many times, only to develop a severe drug addiction, only to end up looking 50 at 25, forced to fill in that sunken in face of despair.

So whether the deep voiced, tall and thin Kendall is actually porn with balls, whether her pussy is actually her pussy, and not some sort of insert they actually sell on AMAZON and that got my AMAZON affiliate that made me 1000 dollars in a WEEK, but that they NEVER paid me on…because they cancelled me….or whether her pussy is a test run for BRUCES, or a model pussy for Bruces to look like it would if it was created in nature…..the fact remains that the Kardashians are the worst our society has to offer and I fucking hate everything about them….EVEN THE CAMELTOES.



Kendall Jenner Cameltoe of the Day May 12th, 2022