Heidi Klum Ass of the Day

Heidi Klum, who I like to pretend is a product of Eugenics, which I guess you could argue most people are, since the parents, for the most part, choose the partner they have the kid with, even if it’s a cum inside them on a one nigh stand situation, you roll that dice because you think “whatever”, at least until you cum, then about 1 minute after cumming, you have a panic attack with a “WHAT DID I JUST DO”…..”GET ME OUT OF HERE”…..”I HOPE SHE DOESN’T KNOW MY NAME AND NUMBER”….

I don’t mean that kind of Eugenics. I mean Nazi Germany, human experiments, breeding or genetic modification to get the ultimate in woamn…and from their Aryan perspective, the tall, blonde, busty model sort of fits the fucking part.

I don’t know if she was made in a lab, or if she was just a fluke, but she’s making the right moves to keep herself looking hot, even after dozens of fucking kids.

She’s old as shit but still skinny with tits, and that’s an accomplishment that I definitely think some weir ass science was involved in….vanity can only go so far….when women rot…

If you don’t believe me, believe this MEME.

Now Heidi and her Horny Heidi Groupie husband being horny….we get it, ya’ll fuck like she’s not dried up….cuz she looks like she’s not dried up and they’ve got lube if she is dried up….unless they programmed that into her Eugenics program “WET PUSSY INTO OLD AGE”….because I know you would, you mad pervert scientist, you.


Heidi Klum Ass of the Day May 16th, 2022