I don’t know why Miley’s rocking the late 90s two tone trashy whore from the stripclub hair. It was a very popular look amongst the late 90s strippers here in Quebec, who were a breed of their own, because back then, they had no outside influences as they didn’t speak English, so it was some insular level of trashy getting trashier organically, without any outside influence…it’s actually what made Quebec interesting, zero influence from the outside world but still managing to be slutty…you probably see all those mainstream girls wearing what I call the 90s Miami Stripper look, you know cheap outfits from the sex shop, well that’s how late 90s Quebec women used to dress to go to the club….and to think they were 22 years ahead of a trend is pretty hilarious….since at the time it felt so out of touch….but I guess it took a few decades to catch up with their LUST FOR LIFE, or exhibitionism, or stripping culture.
Doesn’t matter, Miley and Quebec strippers have nothing in common, she’s some Disney pawn her dad probably traded to pay off a debt he had with them, maybe to buy his rights to ACHY BREAKY back…I don’t know, but Miley, like a Kardashian has done her part in making girls SLUTTY.
Taking that instagram nudity that a small percentage of girls participated in, to the mainstream….she turned it into mainstream, hostess twinkie, pop culture behavior and now we’re buried in naked girls, or half naked girls, leave your house and you’ll see so many outfits that you’d expect from a fatherless girl trying to pay rent, only to realize they have dads and don’t need to pay rent because they have tons of money from their monetizing of nudes.
It’s a weird era, but Miley’s tits are timeless, or at least worth looking at through a wife beater….I’m a fan.