Britney Spears Still Naked of the Day

I don’t know if they Britney play is to humiliate her, to make her look crazy, to fuck with her mind, but I have a hard time believing these nude pics she keeps posting are of her, or are recent because they look like they were shot on late 90s phone technology.

I do know that photoshop was involved in the making of this Britney post Miscarriage weirdness, because look at that fucking door, doors typically don’t look like you’re on mushrooms in photo….

I do like that she runs them through multiple filters, but can’t land on one, so she just posts all three, it’s pretty fucking strange….and by she, I mean whoever is running her feed, that I am perfectly fine misgendering, because her gender isn’t my problem.

Britney did say she wanted to post more nudes like Miley in her Conservatorship plea to the judge back when that was the activist cause during a pandemic…so I guess she’s getting what she wants, but I find it as creepy as her last 10 years of being held in captivity by her team….but it’s still nude Britney!


Britney Spears Still Naked of the Day May 20th, 2022