Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

You may have woke up to a viral video of a breast feeding mommy influencer from Canada, running out to save her goose from some mean spirited bird of prey, with baby on tit, rocking a pair of full back mom panties…because I did.

My first thought was “the things people do to be famous”….you know setting her goose up to be eaten by a bird she was probably luring in for a few weeks building up to it….I mean with her camera propped perfectly at the perfect time in the day when she’s feeding her kid….what’s the well being of a goose matter when you can get on all the news feeds….

But then I saw the mom panties and knew that no girl, not even a mom, especially not a mom, would be wearing granny panties, even now that they are normalized for her first viral moment, even if it makes it seem more authentic….it’d be something a little hotter…

But I guess, some people out there find the full back panty hot because it feels real, it feels like it’s not staged, I know dudes who HATE when their girl puts on lingerie, they find it awkward and want the normal relationship panty….

I guess, some women out there want to reclaim thee full back panty for some activism, to feel like they have a cause, even if it just involves posting panties…instead of doing other activism to make the world a better place.

I guess, most dudes, like me, are just happy to stare at girls in panty.

Full Back Panties Friday of the Day May 20th, 2022