Medical Worker Monday of the Day

I guess with the impending new Pandemic that they didn’t even try to brand as something scary, but instead as something cartoon-like, MOKEY POX, where the K is SILENT, one of the better memes, I mean besides all the pictures of Planet of the Apes monkey hybrids with the caption reading “me after a year of Monkey Pox after refusing to get vaccinated”…either way, good fodder…

It’s one of those silly lab made viruses that no medical workers have ever heard of, but now they’re going to hear nothing but that shit, assuming that it actually goes viral officially and they get to run with it…..but for now it’s low level, barely contagious, targeting gays, and easy to recover…but that won’t stop vaccine mandates, or forced quarantines or all the other fun stuff they love to TROLL us with.

The good news is that the MEDICAL WORKERS will be used again as heroes, which means the medical worker sluts who moonlight as MEDICAL WORKERS for an angle for the OnlyFans will keep on producing nudes, now that they’ll be kept in for another round of making the people who own the vaccines richer as shit….for that other massive transfer of wealth.

I still find getting naked in a hospital fucking gross, but if it’s in picture, you won’t get MRSA cock.

Medical Worker Monday of the Day May 23rd, 2022