Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

I guess the big news today is whether the evil as fuck 18 year old was a victim of the woke mob, or was a transgender or not, which doesn’t really matter because he was obviously an evil fuck regardless of what gender panties he wore and we can definitely assume that he was a victim of being a manipulated weak mind, and whether he was on a put them on crazy hormones to further fuck with his mind, or not, he went out and shot up a school killing a bunch of kids…way too many kids for a person who was chased to the school by cops….I am sure 21 people while under police pursuit is some kind of horrible record… whether it was a non trans who did it or not doesn’t matters since it’s the gun’s fault…

It’s not the fucking mental case evil fucking weirdo destroyed by this pop culture trash, porn and pronouns they are exposed to, or the 2 or more years of hell that killed our spirits…or the evil that is all around us…’s the gun did it.

If a person wants to kill a bunch of kids, it’s not because of access to guns. Guns are regulated in Canada, but there are still shootings….the issue is that a motherfucker felt that was a solution…..but it’s the gun’s fault.

It’s all such a scheme to manipulate the masses…and herd them into some weird dystopian hell they have planned for the normies who make up the slave class…while the elites get to keep on doing whatever it is they want to do… taking their guns from anyone who would stand up to them.

I saw that at some conference in Switzerland, some dude announced he’s working on an app to track the carbon footprint of the normies slave class….because it’s not the big industry that make up 80 percent of pollution that lines their pockets…all while Climate Change isn’t even real….it’s you. IT is YOUR FAULT.

The point is, don’t believe anything you see, don’t buy into any of it, it’s all designed by evil to fuck with you…to fuck with your mind, to keep you in a daze, under the spell, so they can keep fucking with you….to keep you complicit and lining up for vaccines that have proven to not work, the data is out….and there was no actual pandemic…the vaccines cause variants and offer no protection to a non-pandemic….yet look at us now….still being told to get vaccinated….they still want inside you….

Just focus on what you can control….hating yourself and clicking these links…

Olivia Culpo in Vegas Dressed Slutty


Win a Trip to See Christina Aguilera’s Tits


The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo


Panthers Open to Re-Signing Cam Newton on Two Conditions


The Hot Girl with ht Skating Skills


Bad Days at Work


The Slo Mo Guys Record The Effect Of Taser Guns On Bare Skin In Slow Motion!


Amy Schumer’s Rich Bitch NYC Pad for Sale for 15 Million – Imagine Being So Rich for Being Funny when Not Being Funny…


Truck Attack – Scary


Cam Girls are Cam Girls


Morning Hangover Dump of the Day May 25th, 2022