Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

I don’t discriminate against cameltoes like I used to….

I used to find them repulsive on gross old ladies squeezing into their Jordache Jeans back in the 80s, you know lunch lay cameltoe because their gunt sag made it look like big pussy, when it was really just fat pussy..

But then I grew up and realized that intentional and unintentional cameltoe, on hot chicks or gross shits, documented for social media to not waste the opportunity, or just randomly happening in leggings at the grocery store are all fun….

Probably not as fun as the masturbatory benefits of a camel to squeezing up on the clit when in action….but still fun for a pervert into seeing pussy…so here are some cameltoes, intentional enough to capture in photo, almost less exciting as the random, spontaneous cameltoes in this overly staged world…but I take what I can get….

Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day May 25th, 2022