Coyote Shivers’ Johnny Depp Tribute Song of the Day

I know what you’re thinking, when are Johnny Depp and Kate Moss going to get back together for another 90s romance to distract the 40+ year olds from the insanity, lockdowns, and vaccine mandates, digital ID, social credit score, digital currency, crashed economy, global government, carbon footprint trackers and all that other shit….just throw a couple of A-Listers together like it was the 90s, the good days, like Ben and Jen, only less fucking lame…..

I know what you’re thinking, the whole Johnny Depp thing is just another way to divide the people, while probably cleansing his dragged through the mud name, the courtcase probably not even real, they are actors.

Disney needs Johnny back, he makes them money.

It’s likely a way to humiliate Amber Heard and bring Johnny back, or maybe the people in charge are tired of the woke shit, tired of the feminist shit, and want to put bitches back in their place.

I saw this viral 90s sounding rock song supporting Johnny Depp becasue it is the internet and you NEED to make a viral song about a trending news story, and this one is about dragging Amber Heard for lying and being the gutter gold digging whore who saw Depp as top opportunity to reach all her fucking dreams so she took it and he was too dumb to not realize he was being manipulated, but instead under her crazy spell.

All dudes have been there, so I doubt any dude is Team Amber, we all know whores are whores doing opportunistic shit…

Plus before him, she was some weird lesbian vagina with low level acting skills…who was semi hot enough to pull it off with the right drugged out idiot rich guy and now she’s just old, tired, expired and done.

Anyway, this song was put out by Coyote Shivers, who was in Empire Records and awas married to Pauley Perrette. All his exes have accused him of being physical, sexual and psychologically abusive…according to Wikipedia, so I guess Depp’s issue is close to his heart…so he’s probably not someone you should take too seriously…

I am #TeamAmber, even though I like Johnny Depp as a character, but because she’s got a vagina, has been hot, and if she gamed a motherfucker at Johnny Depp’s level, she’s masterful and deserves to be rewarded for it. All bitches manipulate, she just does it better.

The social game, the manipulating, the sociopathic behavior for her personal gain is rockin….so #TeamAmber.

Coyote Shivers’ Johnny Depp Tribute Song of the Day May 26th, 2022