Titty Drop Thursday of the Day

Titty drops may not be an official competitive sport, but they obviously should be, plus the female hive mind mentality of doing what the other chicks do, like a bunch of followers, but rather competitive followers in a “Jenny puts her tits on the internet and thousands of people jerk off to her, I have way hotter tits than Jenny, but I’m not a whore”……which slowly ends up becoming “Jenny just bought a Chanel Purse and Mercedes with her titty money and I have way better tits than Jenny, but I’m not a whore”…..which quickly becomes “hey you guys, check out my tits, they’re awesome, do you want to have them in your mouth, will you cum on them”…it’s a process, but they all get there..it’s the being the queen of the tribe programming from a primal level of humanity….and I like seeing how simplistic humans actually are…when it involves tits.

Titty Drop Thursday of the Day May 26th, 2022