Britney Spears Bikinis of the Day

I don’t know when this Britney Spears fucking the sandy beach pics dropped on her social media, but I feel like I already posted it. I’m lazier than you are, so I’m not going to bother looking to see if I posted it, but rather pretend that this is actually Britney Spears, that she’s actually shot this on her modern day phone, that she’s actually uploaded it to the internet with what I assume is a insane caption….even though my gut tells me that it’s all a fucking scam, all a fucking lie, like her miscarriage / pregnancy, they’ll do all they can to rook you in….

They don’t like that people have lost interest in celebs now that everyone is a micro celeb and can’t be bothered with actual celebs, so they are doing anything they can to get people to buy into their distraction, whether it is turning celebs into lame ass influencers and youtubers, super fucking desperate, or it’s bringing back nostalgia like Britney, Ben and Jen or Johnny Depp and Kate.

Maybe it’s because more people are into politics, now that they’ve personally been fucked over by the system, and they don’t like all eyes on them….so they ar going to their old tricks, who fucking knows but Britney’s definitely mental.

Britney Spears Bikinis of the Day June 1st, 2022