Demi Lovato Bathtub Tits of the Day

It’s funny that the mind control slave, puppet of the industry, heroin addict who had an overdose, but didn’t get cancelled because she’s too big a star, too rich of a talent, who I don’t think it all that talented, but I’ve never seen any of her movies, or heard any of her music, she’s more just a dumpy bitch that I know exists.

I did find it weird that we as a society decided to coddle the broken child star during her darkest days, instead of throwing them out like we used to….let them die Dana Plato….but I guess when you’re as dialed in as this one, as trained and willing to push the agenda of the woke hard… remain their tool to reach and influnence the people into going whatever direction they want them to.

You may not believe in the GROOMERS, the INDOCTRINATORS, the pushing of the satantic transgender agenda, but the fact is, Demi Lovato is a “they” now, non binary, like a narcissist who needs to self-diagnose herself to feel like she matters….

But for whatever reason, in being a they, no longer a CIS GENDER, she’s managed to figure out how to pose like a slutty chick, I guess all it took to understand slutty chick poses, was to say to the world “I’m not a chick”….while being a CHICK…

Fascinating the level of confusion this is, probably something her fans can decipher as they head to the doctor for their hormone therapies and to permanently alter their bodies cuz Demi Lovato told them to from a bath with her wet wife beater tits out.

The point of the story is, they, them, it, or go fuck yourself with your dumb pronouns or not, Lovato’s producing some smut, and it’s the most interesting she’s been, no matter how dumb her THEM haircut is….the clit’s still a clit, the labia not sewed up with a set of Tom Green prosthetic balls, so it’s not gay to wanna fuck this….even if everything else about you is pretty gay…why are you even reading this, don/t you have Pride Month to go tend to by dancing in your jockstrap and gym socks….


Demi Lovato Bathtub Tits of the Day June 2nd, 2022