Josie Canseco Lingerie of the Day

If only all Cuban prostitutes looked this good….I’d be on the next flight to the breadlines of the communist island…with rolls of quarters in pocket…ready to make my dick’s dreams come true…’s never too late…

That’s not to say that she’s a Cuban prostitute, but she’s cuban and in her underwear on the internet, she’s just from a better socio-economic background, benefitting from her dad being Human Trafficked to America, where he was able to do steroids and climb the ranks of the Oakland As, making big enough money to allow his daughter to get naked on the internet for fun, not for money to buy her baby formula on the black market, or designer purses.

Which is what makes Josie so great, along with a hot body, hot face, that willingness to show it off for no reason other than showing it off, speaks to my soul not that I have a soul, I’m words on a screen people, but if I did have a soul, this rich kid would speak to it.


Josie Canseco Lingerie of the Day June 2nd, 2022