Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

Fullback panties are making a comeback because we’ve become a lazy society that celebrates laziness, and prefer comfort and putting no effort into things, rather than getting all uncomfortable for the sake of hotness.

It’s the throw in the towel on sexy, but bring in the panty big enough to be a towel, or a sail, in the event you’re lost at sea and all you have left is your panties to sav you.

I have never been a real hater of the fullback panty, I’m from the 80s and they were standard fare amongst the normies, if you were seeing panties, you were winning…so you didn’t bother to see or care if they were stained, oversized, the panties were enough.

Obviously, with everyone being a sex obsessed, or sex to market themselves slut, we’ve shifted from the panty, but like my friend Stefan the Hairdresser said so well the other day…..these girls need to give paying customer what they want, which is always the same thing, but in different ways….meaning sometimes a granny panty or a mom panty gets slaughtered in the process and I’m ok with that, cuz I’m old, it’s still panties, and the whole girlfriend experience in a lonely and empty world happens with something a bitch wears on her period….

Full Back Panties Friday of the Day June 3rd, 2022