Irina Shayk Ass of the Day

from…..celebrate moms because dudes fucking suck, and the alternative are a bunch of miserable blue haired polyamorous freaks on TikTok discussing their identity issues, or whatever else it is they do….or the other alternative is a bunch of miserable 40 year old women who chose career over family, pay the tax man and give your loyalty to your CEO so that you can complain about the patriarchy as the reason for you not being CEO, or maybe you’ll become CEO now that companies need to pretend to be woke and inclusive….only they’d never admit the chick CEO is for optics…

So despite years of thinking moms were damaged goods, the bottom of the barrel, because that’s how they present themselves to the world, I’ve come to appreciate the god given purpose of a woman, which is to make babies….but mainly if they look like Elsa Hosk who I just posted as my favorite model, who happens to be a mom, or this Russian goddess tainted by Brad Cooper’s cum, but her ass doesn’t seem to negatively impacted by her now ridiculous monthly child support checks she gets.

Irina Shayk, not kicked out of America for being Russian, in a world of Ukrainian supporters, something I don’t subscribe to because I don’t have opinions on things I don’t know anything about, but even if she was some racist, tyrant, dictator trying to take over the world, I’d be all for it, assuming we’d see more of her ass.

Looking good Irina…


Irina Shayk Ass of the Day June 6th, 2022