Medical Worker Monday of the Day

COVID brought a new respect for nurses or medical professionals, some got paid more, some had parades, some got invited to New Years Eve in Time’s Square, or to the Super Bowl, when the simple assholes who didn’t work in the Medical industry weren’t allowed to do shit because of a cold, some became dancers on TikTok, some probably retired because fuck that noise, others probably realized covid wasn’t that scary so they refused vaccines, and got fired….only to be brought back when the pressure lifted to get everyone vaccinated because that kind of coercion is pretty fucking evil, and th most important group of nurses said “fuck this, let’s make some onlyfans money, before the endtimes take us out, cash the fuck out, make it count, or at least get jerked off to and feel like they matter, when most normies, some who still wear their masks in the park, thought of them as lepers….I mean even husbands kept their wives living out int he fifth wheel or camper…..instead of fucking the COVID out of their assholes with their mouths, so amateur porn girls were created….helping the boners of the world throw up.

I don’t know what’ next for nurses, will it be COVID, other variants, Small Pox, new diseases, more vaccines, but in the meantime we’ve got some nurses doing what all girls shoudl be doing, getting naked online! It’s just the internet, no big deal…

Medical Worker Monday of the Day June 6th, 2022