Britney Spears Bikini Sway of the Day

Here’s your daily dose of Britney Spears, or the actress they’ve hired to play Britney Spears, dancing around half naked in what appears to be her rich person dungeon, back in the early 2000s, at last that’s what the quality of this weirdness feels like, and like every other Britney Spears, or as I like to call this new version of her, Briterny Spears, creeps me the fuck out.

I don’t believe that she’s free, or that she had miscarriages, or that she even handles her acccount, it’s possible, but I would expect her to creative direct something better, even being as out of touch as she would be being in captivity slaving away all these years she has a budget and team and no real excuse for this horror movie level shit.

That said, her tits look pretty good for someone who just shat out a miscarriage, allegedly…..

I figure if they want to distract people….they have to tap into old celebs that people still care about, while no one cares about new celebs, they have to dig up old stories….but if anyone buys that this is a Free Britney, you’re the fucking problem, but at least she’s half naked.


Britney Spears Bikini Sway of the Day June 8th, 2022