Bella Hadid’s Thong Dong of the Day

Bella Hadid is an overrated instagram model because she was a rich kid sitting at the right table. They were able to position her otherwise ugly traits as a unique look that should be celebrated, all because she converted sales, which is what they like, from being that instagram model.

So what probably felt ugly all her life, so much that she’s got surgeries, face modifications, and probably has an eating disorder….some old fashioned anorexia, which is the best part about her story….I mean imagine if she was a LENA DUNHAM rich and entitled monster who can convert sales, without giving a fuck about how vile she looks, instead packaging it as the new new….

So when postured like that, THANK FUCKING GOD for Bella Hadid, her skinny legs and ass are hot, even if she is not….but compared to other rich kids who could have bought the same career…..she’s top notch..

So that’s why you should jerk off to that thonged ass…not featuring enough asshole sure, but still a thong….on thong thursday……

There’s some other pics, just a round-up of Hadid…..and no, I don’t know what a thong dong is….I am just an idiot.

Bella Hadid’s Thong Dong of the Day June 9th, 2022