Here are some titties doing what they’re meant to do..all nourishing and recession proof the way you want them to be….
Because you may or may not know that there is a potential economic collapse headed our way to destroy the middle class, they pretend it’s not happening, or they blame dumb shit like Russia or Covid on it happening, but the reality is that it’s totally manufactured…..because they hate you…
I saw some farmer bitching on TikTok about how her feed is now 8 times more expensive than it was last year….meaning the price of Beef will likely be 10 times more expensive come the fall..
That will likely trickle down to things like dairy, where you won’t be able to afford milk and cheeses…..
Which is why you ned to find one of these moms who still lactates to hook up to your milking machine in your basement…that way you can be an expert in TITTY cheese and not the same TITTY cheese some of you may have experienced from a fat girl with fat tits who doesn’t shower too well…it exists..and it smells like old sneakers…but rather the GOOD titty cheese….
It also makes the titties swoll, so more fun to look at when the other poor planners are running around doing cannibal shit to survive….because when you are starved out…you start to eat each other….and not in an orgasm enducing way, but in a fucking tribe of people, probably homeless and crazy coming and knocking down your suburban door to have their way with you
EXCITING times…find some tit milk to survive.