Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

If you like seeing pussy, you can just go outside and not because you’ll see a bunch of Electric Vehicle drivers, you know those Tesla Bros who think they are saving the environment, when really it takes something like 1800 (or more) gallons of gas to dig up enough rare earth minerals in a massive pit from displacing earth to find rare earth….not to mention most electric power comes from Fossil Fuels and their electic generators are hardly as efficient as modern gas cars are…..and an electrical engineer I know told me that the amount of power lost when transporting power from the power station to the cities is likely 50 percent and when I asked him how much gas it would take to charge an e-vehicle battery he said probably the same or more than filling up your car with gas….YOU ARE ALL BEING SCAMMED ON THIS ENVIRONMENT SHIT…

But yeah, if you want to see pussy in public, look at all the tight pants that are eating pussy, so that girls can show you how fat their pussy lips are, or if you’re scared of COVID and in your mask in your basement alone after 2 years fear and 18 years of being anti-social, you can just look at the pics they uploaded to the internet because NO pussy definition can go undocumented in this era of camera phones and narcissism….in fact, the pussy definition is probably the reason Steve Jobs created the iPhone that pervert…

Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day June 15th, 2022