Frida Aasen Bikini of the Day

Frida Aasen is a hot Nordic Model who said "fuck the snow, I'd rather fuck the luxury bikini vacation" so instead of posing in Lesbian sweaters you find at the ski hill, she's stripped down to her long torso and skinny body, something I will endorse because I hate fat chicks acting like bikini models, I'm old school and like my bikini models to be skinny, tits optional, so long as they are skinny... So it's nice to see a long model body in an era where the internet and social media is trying to trick people into thinking fat is ok, when it is never ok, your body is screaming under all the fat to be freed, but no one seems to care, since cake tastes good and laziness feels good....when we're all going to die prematurely anyway, it's the apocalypse.. [gallery columns="2" size="medium" ids="857631,857633"] JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES!

Frida Aasen Bikini of the Day June 20th, 2022